On Friday, November 12, 2004, 4:11:10 AM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
This would mean less subzones to reduce DNS queries overall allowing faster SA processing
my vote: merge JP,SC,AB. - "safe.surb.org"
Sorry, forgot to add PH to "safe.surbl.org"
Perhaps i am missing the point, but we have multi, how does this minimize lookups? I allready do 1 lookup now for all zones.
The idea is to have a "golden" list that is so accurate (for spams it does identify) and has so few FPs that it would be safe to block outright at the MTA level, for example.
An MTA milter or plugin probably can't determine that from multi alone (i.e. looking at all the lists), so I'm wondering if we can create a list for that purpose out of the existing lists.
The new list would be just another bit in multi, so it would still be a single lookup, but it would be looking up a highly accurate, hopefully zero FP new subset within multi.
SC and JP already come pretty close to that goal, but I'm wondering if some clever combination of the lists might be useable to create a single list to outperform the individual lists. Obviously any subset will hit less spam, but the goal would be to make a subset that hits no FPs.
We could probably experiment and try some different approaches and see how they test out on corpora and live mail servers.
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."