on Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 03:42:42PM -0700, Justin Mason wrote:
Matthew Wilson writes:
If it helps, I agree with Chris. One point to note: Virtual hosters can't use IP addresses in their URLs, because the web server needs a http host header to differentiate between all the possible virtual hosted sites. However, it really wouldn't be difficult to have the SURBL URI detection algorithm find dotted quad URLs, and store these in the SURBL database just like any other domain name...
now *that* is a good point ;)
Yeah, but when was the last time you saw a spammer co-hosted with a legitimate host on the same IP? Crikey, the spammers I see have their own IPs in such ridiculous abundance that it makes a mockery of the fact that I can only get a /27 for some hundred domains we host...
Not that I'm bitter, or anything. But it /does/ seem that money talks, even highly redolent pink money.