John Andersen wrote:
Well It didn't help me. :-( In spite of getting no errors while installing SA and SpamCopURI-0.18 (and each since SpamCopURI-0.14) I have never yet seen a SpamCop or surbl tag in my spam.
Are you logging spamassassin? When I first installed SpamCopURI I didn't see any hits either, but noticed this in my spamd logs:
@4000000040ae2d661a10e3c4 (syntax error at /etc/mail/spamassassin/, rule SPAMCOP_URI_RBL, line 1, near "eval:"
It ended up being that SpamAssassin couldn't load the right .pm's.
If you look at the INSTALL file in the source, you'll see a section regarding the rules not being hit, I followed the steps listed there and then it started working.
Joe Boyce System Administrator - InterStar, Inc