Got a spam mentioning and some chat site. The chat site may be spammy but does anyone know anything about
Seems to be several years old:
It is, and the registered owners (Calumet Photo) have been around since before WWII in a west-side suburb of Chicago, from what a little research found. I saw the spams in question (got several of them this weekend in the spamtrap), and my guess is that the site might have been compromized or trojaned. I'd recommend a phone call to Calumet Photo on Monday with evidence and paths of offending photographs in hand, to discuss things.
Meanwhile.... Until this rash of spams, I'd never heard of before, and it's been around since 1998. That tells me that the chances of it being an innocent bystander are pretty high. I wouldn't list it in SURBL, not unless/until we get evidence that it's been taken over by bad guys and can't be taken back from them.