On Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 12:57:35 PM, Rob Systems) wrote:
Does rbldnsd take up more memory by including that comment as the equivalent of a "text record" for DNS lookups that might attempt such a lookup against rbldnsd?
If so, I'm thinking that, as beneficial as this might be in some scenarios, it sure probably uses a whole lot of extra ram on the server hosting the rbldnsd, correct?
The multi.surbl.org rbldnsd zone file looks like this:
[...] 0-800horoscopes.com :, 0-800horoscopes.com on lists [jp][ws], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html 0-apr-card-credit-4u.info :, 0-apr-card-credit-4u.info on lists [jp][ws], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html 0-apr-credit-card-4u.info :, 0-apr-credit-card-4u.info on lists [jp][ws], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html 0-bww-marlin-debian-0.com :, 0-bww-marlin-debian-0.com on lists [jp], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html [...]
If you don't need the text portion for example because you only use the numerical results, you can save some memory by removing the text field before you load the zone into rbldnsd.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.