On Friday, December 2, 2005, 7:24:19 AM, Frank Ellermann wrote:
John Graham-Cumming wrote:
I did read the threads on geocities in the archive, but couldn't see this as a possible solution.
Let's see how Jeffs tripod experiment works, there are tons of geocities URLs in spam, I get at least 10 per day.
SpamCop still almost alway refuses to LART Yahoo, so that idea won't work as expected on sc.surbl.org at the moment.
Maybe score the mere string "geocities" like "viagra" (?)
Bye, Frank
Farnk brings up a very good practical point. There may be hundreds or thousands of new Tripod and Geocities accounts being set up *per day* by spammers. ***Since these hosting accounts are free, they seem to be created and abused at a much higher rate than domain names.*** That means it may not be practical to try to blacklist them all, due to the large volume of additions.
Therefore it may be better to set up a rule for them, and/or for Yahoo and Lycos to do the right thing and get more active about shutting the accounts down.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.