On Monday, July 12, 2004, 4:06:44 PM, Marc Kool wrote:
Chris Santerre wrote:
To start another thread: I am a contributor to the free URL database that can be used by squidguard and dansguardian with a strong focus on sex sites (with 397000 domains). Although not every sex site sends spam, a mail administrator may want to implement a local policy to block emails that refer to sex sites (I would :-) Does anybody wants/needs/likes sex.surbl.org ??? For a list like sex.surbl.org a feature to include IP addresses is a benefit since 57% percent of the sex domains have 10 or more domains resolving to a single IP address.
Mark this is a GREAT idea. I'm BCC'ing Jeff on it to make sure he sees this.
I received some questions, so for those who don't know it yet: the free URL database that mainly includes a list of adult domains can be found on http://cri.univ-tlse1.fr/documentations/cache/squidguard_en.html#contrib (correction to the above number: 466057 adult domains are listed on July 13 2004). If you want to pay for it, you may want to go to http://www.urlblacklist.com
Thanks for sharing this idea and a free list of the relevant domains. I agree it's an interesting idea, though we've been focussed on spammer's URI domains so far, so it's a bit of a tangent.
At nearly 500k record we'd definitely want to do this with rbldnsd. BIND is already getting pretty slow with lists approaching 100k records. For comparison, sbl.spamhaus.org has about 5k records, xbl has about 1.7 million records, list.dsbl.org has nearly 4 million records. multi.surbl.org, our largest production list has about 45k records.
How does anyone else feel about turning this list of sex sites into a SURBL?
Jeff C.