At 22:22 17/04/2004, John Fawcett wrote:
I'd just like to summarize the current position with regard to url types which are not currently parsed correctly by sa and ask for some help with tests using version 3.
Yahoo offers a public redirection service. You can enter a url like this:* and you get sent to (By the way I'm not sure what the point of this is, because unlike the yahoo url is longer. However it sure comes in handy to spammers who are trying to get past sa URI rulesets.)
Spam which is not picked up correctly by sa uri filters often contains redirection urls, even though the redirected domain is in Jeff Chan has opened a bug against to ask for support for parsing out the spammer domain from redirected urls.
Things are getting more complicated, because spam coming through seems to contain features which avoid it being picked up even by an altered parser which strips off the* part.
I wanted to make a summary of current understanding of the url types which break parsing. I've tested these with SpamCopURI and ver 2.63. If someone offers to test (from case 2 onwards) with URIDNSBL and version 3, I'll post suitable test cases.
1.*http://spammer.domain.tld/aaaaaaaaaa (bug 3261) Workaround in $uri =~ s/^http://(?:drs|rd)[^*]+*(.*)$/$1/g;
2.*%68ttp://spammer.domain.tld/aaaaaaaa (follow-up to bug 3261 including test case) (the other possible variations on this which I haven't seen as yet can use %NN instead of any or all the 'http' characters in the redirected domain. e.g.*%68%74%74%70://spammer.domain.tld/aaaaaaaa
Workaround in $uri =~ s/%68/h/g; $uri =~ s/%74/t/g; $uri =~ s/%70/p/g;
The redirect url is formally incorrect (there is a single slash after http) but browsers have no problem with this. The parser cannot handle it.
Workaround in $uri =~ s/http:/([^/])/http://$1/g;
By the way, this url contains 'quotable printable' characters ('= newline' and '=3d') which are not causing problems to the parser. Neither is the absence of a trailing slash before the ? causing problems in parsing.
- URLS without http: in front of them. The following seen in a browser
reads: "Please copy and paste this link into your browser "
<p> P<advisory>l<aboveboard>e<compose>a<geochronology>s<moral>e<palfrey> <rada= r>c<symptomatic>o<yankee>p<conduit>y<souffle> <intake>a<arise>n<eocene>d <= thickish>paste <impact>this <broadloom>link <road>i<dichotomous>n<quinine>= t<scoreboard>o y<eager>o<impact>ur b<archenemy>r<band>o<wallop>wser <b> he=</b>
Probably not much that can be dones with this.
http:// Here the double http prevents this being parsed. (OK it wasn't in but even if it was it wouldn't have been picked up)
Workaround in $uri =~ s/http://http:///http:///g;
Just wondering whether its a good idea putting so many highly specific workarounds in for current redirection techniques and sites ? Wouldn't it be better to try and handle most cases more generically ? Otherwise we're forever playing catchup with the spammers...
It seems like most cases could be caught by first decoding % escaped characters, then any quoted printable characters, then trying to extract EACH visible URL-like string out and testing them seperately. (So a single URL may or may not result in two URI's to test)
So for example in Case 1, both and would get tested, but thats ok, as its better to err on the safe side.
Case 2 would be automatically handled because the % escaped code would be decoded first before parsing.
Case 3 probably needs a specific workaround.
Case 4 may not be too much of a problem, as most people are unlikely to go to the trouble of copying and pasting a link to follow the spam. If its not just a matter of clicking most people would be too lazy to follow it, so that kind of spam would be unlikely to flourish. (He says hopefully :)
Case 5 may need a specific workaround, or just a change in the way the parser works.
I havn't looked at the existing code (and probably couldn't understand it anyway since its in perl :) but if it's just based on regular expressions it may not be sufficient to reliably extract two URI's from one URL, it probably needs an algorithm rather than just a regex...
Regards, Simon