Jeff Chan wrote:
It's sounding like the sc2 list is catching 10-15% more spam than the sc list, based on some early reports of SA users. Is anyone else getting some results?
Are there differences in ham hits?
How about
Since 7/27 config change to add sc2 my server has tagged 27,609 messages as spam: URIBL_SC2_SURBL has hit on 15,981 messages, all of which were tagged spam URIBL_SC_SURBL has hit on 14,105 messages, all of which were tagged spam URIBL_XS_SURBL has hit on 13,165 messages, 3 of which were not tagged spam; however, all 3 look like a fn or damaged virus.
So SC2 catches about 13% more messages for me. In the week prior to 7/25 (when you told me the XS config changed) XS hit on average 1570 messages per day. Since then it has averaged 2,175 messages per day.