Early mornin' rant:
I know the SURBL.org FAQ documents the use of "MUNGED" to munge URIs for discussion. Personally, I think it's silly to do that while sending to this list, especially since, in the same heading, SURBL.org also suggests "It's probably a good idea to use less filtering on your anti-spam mailing list messages, or even to whitelist them". I think that's a much better idea, and everyone here should be doing that anyway, since live spams do often appear on this list. I know I do.
The MUNGED is largely unnecessary, takes time to deal with, and (just as it is supposed to) stops automatic URI parsing, and even severely impairs human URI parsing, to the point that I go cross-eyed after spending half an hour reading the finer points on why "someMUNGEDwebsite.com" should be whitelisted.
Oh, by the way, SpamAssassin, at least (and all others that I'm aware of), will not even parse body tokens of the form domain.com or as URIs. And, again, "use less filtering on your anti-spam mailing list messages", if you aren't already.
I see no reason to MUNGE domains posted to this list. Unless someone has some really compelling evidence to the contrary, could we please curb this silly practice before it really becomes a silly collective habit? :-)
- Ryan