-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org] Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 3:32 AM To: SURBL Discussion list Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] Please beta test ms.surbl.org - data from MailSecurity
On Friday, July 30, 2004, 12:05:52 AM, Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
This released list has been developed from actual spam
recieved since
the SURBL effort started. I don't doubt there are a lot of
double ups
with ws.surbl.org however.
As a seperate list i would so far say, uhm, not really
worth the efford,
as a extra list of domains for WS, i think its worth it.
Sure - kinda what I was originally intending anyway :)
Sounds like a plan! :)
The list is developed from messages which slip through existing SURBL's and other custom SA rulesets - addmittedly less and less are getting through, but we do keep on top of it. It is
current, but may
also be a different sampling of messages to those you see.
Expiry of listings is something we're still working on, but are a little loathe to do because we've recently noticed a spate of "recycled" domain names.
Ok, great. It would be a nice addition to WS i think... Anyone ?
Sounds good to me. Anyone else?
If so, Chris please consider pulling these into WS.
Jeff C.
1) Send me the -different- domains that aren't already listed and I will blast them right into WS. I'll do it in such a way I can track FPs back to them. 2) How will we handle new additions? Submit them to who? 3) When will we have an SURBL contributors BBQ? Soon I hope, I'm hungry!