Has someone recent statistic on the FP's for the different sublists in multi?
And if possible, has anybody statistics from FP's that where on several of the sublists -at the same time-?
Something "like" the dns-hits in :
(which Google didn't find alink to, maybe adding a link inside one of the www.surbl.org pages would be nice...)
I'm thinking of adding scoring each sublist to let the user decide on the FP safety. Is very easy for me to generate and seems easy to configure even for end users:
a*[sc] + b*[ws] + c*[ob] + d* [jp] + e * [ab] + f * [ph] >= 100
for example
d could 100 --> even a hit on jp is spam
b could be 99 --> need at least another entry
a,c could be 50 --> need more...