-----Original Message----- From: jm@jmason.org [mailto:jm@jmason.org] Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 5:17 PM To: Raymond Dijkxhoorn Cc: Alex Broens; users-return-15498-sa-list=alexb.ch@spamassassin.apache.org; SURBL Discussion list (E-mail); Spamassassin-Talk (E-mail) Subject: Re: Start an IP list to block?
Raymond Dijkxhoorn writes:
Chris, Raymond ,
I went thru a random few of these and they're were listed
at Spamhaus.
Using spamhaus at SMTP level or SA doing RBL lookups would
have caught and
stopped them... Spamcop probably has quite a few of them
listed as well
No, that wont work. The spams are sended in via
trojans/proxys only the
websites are static. SOME are blocked with DSBL and so but
most of the
time they start a spamrun with a fresh set it seems.
So yes, they are inside spamhaus, but only the websites,
didnt see mails
sended out from there (yet).
Are their NS records listed in the SBL?
- --j.
No, but extremely easy to add. However....I'm not sure Jeff would like that. Would have to be a seperate list.