On Monday, October 4, 2004, 5:53:58 AM, Jeff Chan wrote:
Got some more FPs from hams:
/web/antispam/mailsecurity.spam.domains:romp.com /home/prolocation/black-prolocation-master:romp.com
These all seem to have legitimate uses to me.
servebeer.com belongs to dynamic DNS provider No-IP.com so obviously it's subject to some abuse, but it also seems to have legitimate uses.
pacmanhattan.com is apparently a university student project to play Pacman on city steets with people.
romp.com appears to be a National Lampoon movie site.
I'd like to whitelist all of these but would like to hear from Chris, David, Outblaze and Raymond about why they listed them. None have SBL hits. romp and pacman have no NANAS, and as expected serverbeer has 29 NANAS.
Thanks everyone for your comments on these confirming that the actual listed sites (the first three) all seem to have legitimate uses.
The full list from the 5 source hams includes the three probable FPs above and some others which are not in SURBLs, but which should probably be whitelisted since they appear in things like Debian Linux newsletters.
catb.org debian.org debianforum.de ffii.org gnu.org harddisk-recovery.nl heise.de infodrom.org kitenet.net leidenuniv.nl linuxtag.org opensource.org pacmanhattan.com romp.com servebeer.com spi-inc.org uu.nl wallsplash.net xtronics.com
The entire list seems hammy so I'm whitelisting them all, including the three FPs.
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."