-----Original Message----- From: Doc Schneider [mailto:maddoc@maddoc.net] Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 11:51 AM To: SURBL Discussion list Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] And away we go!
Chris Santerre wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: David Coulson [mailto:david@davidcoulson.net] Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 9:38 AM To: SURBL Discussion list Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] And away we go!
SpamCopURI stats for one domain here for this morning.
Total: 33024 SC 22090 WS 19029 BE 3597
On a similar note, Spamhaus' XBL got hit 23847 times which
is pretty
And BE will ALWAYS be lower...Why? I use RBLs at the MTA level :)
I knew it would effect my file, but I couldn't let the
company take a hit
for BigEvil sake.
I left bigevil.cf in my spamassassin directory and added the RBL for be.surbl.org and both are catching things!!
Maybe a suggestion. Might want to make a limited bigevil which just does the variable domains. And then folks can use it along with the RBL be. Did that make sense?
You took the thoughts right out of my noggin!
Damn I either need a new unix sleep command or more coffee! 8*))
I have a thermos by my monitor at all times. A pot takes to long to brew. A thermos is instant ;)
I'll run some stats from my test here in a bit and we shall see what is what.
Chris as always you are a "big nerd" HAR!
Oh yeah! Straight C student! And I went to school for none of this stuff.
-Doc (Who has been a nerd for almost half a century!)
Ouch! You should take a nap after reading this ;)