Den 15. aug. 2006 kl. 17.25 skrev Jeff Chan:
Thanks much for writing this Christian! Hope you don't mind some feedback that applies equally to any application using SURBL data: [...]
Thanks for your comments!
(1) Whitelist added (2) Program now recognizes two-level TLDs as per your list (3) I've changed these names to respectively "b.stearn/spamassassin" and prolocation/jwspamspy. But if you still feel these do not correctly reflect the persons behind the lists, let me know.
There is a new version with these changes, along with an updated homepage, on
I'm still in very much beta stage, so I'm very open to any suggestions!
PS: I made the program for a URL redirection service at http:// memurl.com, I've seen your guidelines for that and will update that site accordingly.
-- Christian Stigen Larsen, http://csl.sublevel3.org