On Thursday, November 11, 2004, 10:35:02 PM, Jeff Chan wrote:
As of 12 November 2004, we have added data from fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com into ph, joining our exiting phishing data from mailsecurity.net.au.
I should add, this means if you were testing fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com as a separate list, as in SA 2.63 or 2.64 with SpamCopURI:
uri MP_URI_RBL eval:check_spamcop_uri_rbl('fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com','') describe MP_URI_RBL URI's domain appears in MailPolice fraud list tflags MP_URI_RBL net score MP_URI_RBL 2.0
or SpamAssassin 3.0.0:
urirhsbl URIBL_MP fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com. A header URIBL_MP eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_MP') describe URIBL_MP URI's domain appears in MailPolice fraud list tflags URIBL_MP net score URIBL_MP 2.0
or SpamAssassin 3.0.1:
urirhsbl URIBL_MP fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com. A body URIBL_MP eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_MP') describe URIBL_MP URI's domain appears in MailPolice fraud list tflags URIBL_MP net score URIBL_MP 2.0
Then you should remove or disable the above rule as redundant if you are also using ph in multi.surbl.org, which SpamAssassin 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 do *by default*:
urirhssub URIBL_PH_SURBL multi.surbl.org. A 8 body URIBL_PH_SURBL eval:check_uridnsbl('URIBL_PH_SURBL') describe URIBL_PH_SURBL Contains an URL listed in the PH SURBL blocklist tflags URIBL_PH_SURBL net score URIBL_PH_SURBL 3.0
(IIRC you can disable rules simply by setting them to zero, but in this case I'd probably recommend commenting them out or deleting them.)
So keep the PH rule and delete any test rule using fraud.rhs.mailpolice.com separately.
Jeff C. -- Jeff Chan mailto:jeffc@surbl.org http://www.surbl.org/