Maybe I'm reading into things, but your tone seems a bit harsh. To be sure, let me say that nobody here or on that other forum has bitched or complained about this. SURBL got rave reviews on that other site. I did forward this information to that site as Jeff requested to help educate them.
As for my own server, rather than turning parsing of headers "off", I'm currently doing a test where I SURBL-check headers ONLY if the SURBL-checking of the body doesn't get marked as spam. Next, if the body of the message is "clean" and the header gets checked, I'm saving ALL of these into a special folder where I can investigate for myself the benefits/drawback using real-world data. I understand that this is not the prescribed way to use SURBL... but, even if I don't like the results, this may be beneficial as a "flagging" or "scoring" system where I could then allow these particular messages through, but have then handy to see what is not getting blocked by other filtering.
Rob McEwen