On Thursday, July 29, 2004, 2:49:46 PM, Ralph Seichter wrote:
I'd like to know if test.surbl.org.ms.surbl.org, which returns a hit with dig as you pointed out to me earlier, could also trigger a positive response when used in a URL.
The manual DNS lookup is a way to check the contents of a list DNS zone, but is not usable in a test URI.
I'm looking for URLs which I can use to selectively trigger only one SURBL and not all of them.
All of the lists have the same (two level domain or IP address) testpoints, so perhaps the only way to test a given list is to find an entry that is unique to only that list and test on it. However the data are fairly dynamic and an entry on one list may get added to another one if the different data sources pick it up.
Another way to test would be to enable using only one list at a time through the config files.
Jeff C.