On Friday, October 22, 2004, 11:00:56 AM, Chris Santerre wrote:
I thought we had a discussion on this already? The list I added has been in there for like 2 months. I went thru it. I do NOT use this guys list nilly willy. I haven't updated that file in 2 months. I only took his 100 recent changes, and went thru it and pulled a bunch out that were in question.
This was the most recent discussion I could find. It doesn't seem to mention actually using the jayallen data in WS, though I might have missed a message:
From: Chris Santerre csanterre@MerchantsOverseas.com To: "'Jeff Chan'" jeffc@surbl.org, SATalk users@spamassassin.apache.org Cc: SURBL Discuss discuss@lists.surbl.org Subject: RE: Applying SURBL against blog comment spammers Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 09:36:29 -0400
Hell I'm feeling a little saucy this morning so lets mull this over. This goes against Jeff's thoughts. But if they are spamming, then just add them to SURBL. Does it matter if they spam email or blogs? To me, not really. Adding them to the regular SURBL is sure to cause them some pain.
Legit domains still get removed.
SO I say, go ahead and add them. However I would like to see an example of a spam'd blog. I've never seen one.
From: Chris Santerre csanterre@merchantsoverseas.com To: "'jm@jmason.org'" jm@jmason.org, Matthew Hunter matthew@infodancer.org Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 13:55:25 -0400 Cc: SURBL Discuss discuss@lists.surbl.org Cc: SATalk users@spamassassin.apache.org Subject: [SURBL-Discuss] RE: Applying SURBL against blog comment spammers
GREAT example J! One links to : http://patch.stanford.edu/MT/mt-comments.cgi?__mode=red&id=25 which links to : buy-cialis.ws
Which is NOT in SURBL!! (It will be today!) Because like Dr. Evil this is a pre-emptive Shhh! It is just a matter of time before this site is used in an email spam. I also see no difference between this blog spam and email spam. At all!
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."