On Monday, September 27, 2004, 1:34:47 PM, Leonardo Helman wrote:
The university (uba) is managing their own domain.
Their homepage is www.uba.ar, the people who is taking care of this is: http://www.ccc.uba.ar/servicios.htm
and the educ.ar domain is administered by ministry of education www.educ.ar
Where me is Ministerio de Educacion (ministry of education), and mcye: Ministerio de educacion, ciencia y tecnologia (education, science and technology, or something a little different, because we (country) have changed those names a few times)
If you wan't me to translate any of this, send me a private mail.
We also have ba.ar, cb.ar rn.ar and all our provinces, but I think we are not using those.
Question: Do these offer registrations under uba.ar, educ.ar, etc. In other words can a school, etc. get a child domain delegated from them?
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."