On another list I am on someone indicated that the SC list is only populated with data once an hour. Is that correct?
Anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 day. I believe the system checks every 15 minute for new entries. Submissions get round robin'd thru a bunch of contributors. depends on their time, and the domain submitted. If it has legit uses, we drop it. We don't inform people of the ones we drop, frankly because we don't have time.
Other submissions might send up research flags, and we end up looking at those in-depth to add any other spam domains associated with it. Takes more time.
We've tried to increase the rate they are entered, but not increase our FP rates.
Try submitting the domain again, and it might go to another contributor with more time.
Those spams submitted in non English languages take the longest, because many of us don't speak Spanish, chin ease, German, ....... :)