Quick question regarding multi.surbl.org.rbldnsd; the list of content for this file (i.e. sc.surbl.org, ws.surbl.org, etc) on the surbl.org website is all inclusive correct? Does multi.surbl.org.rbldnsd contain anything from spamhaus.org or any other content providers?
Thanks, Eric Smith
On Friday, May 6, 2005, 10:57:25 AM, Eric Smith wrote:
Quick question regarding multi.surbl.org.rbldnsd; the list of content for this file (i.e. sc.surbl.org, ws.surbl.org, etc) on the surbl.org website is all inclusive correct?
Does multi.surbl.org.rbldnsd contain anything from spamhaus.org or any other content providers?
Not yet, though we're working on some trapped URI data from the CBL folks.
Why do you ask? :-)
Thanks, Eric Smith
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.