-----Original Message----- From: Dhawal Doshy [mailto:dhawal@netmagicsolutions.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 3:01 PM To: Dallas L. Engelken Cc: Jeff Chan; SpamAssassin Users; SURBL Discuss Subject: Re: Google search as spam URI
Dallas L. Engelken writes:
adding a redirector_pattern will catch this.
/^https?://(?:www.)?google.com/search?q=site:([A-Za-z0-9 -.]+)$/I
better write a rule for google translate as well.. i see it being abused soon.
r=en%7Cen&hl=e n
Hah! Am I reading that right? Translate English to English! I give them 1 point for coming up with that one.
Chris Santerre wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: Dhawal Doshy [mailto:dhawal@netmagicsolutions.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 3:01 PM To: Dallas L. Engelken Cc: Jeff Chan; SpamAssassin Users; SURBL Discuss Subject: Re: Google search as spam URI
Dallas L. Engelken writes:
adding a redirector_pattern will catch this.
/^https?://(?:www.)?google.com/search?q=site:([A-Za-z0-9 -.]+)$/I
better write a rule for google translate as well.. i see it being abused soon.
http://translate.google.com/translate?u=www.domain.tld&langpai r=en%7Cen&hl=e n
Hah! Am I reading that right? Translate English to English! I give them 1 point for coming up with that one.
This possibility was borrowed from here.. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/h/4807
- dhawal