-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org] Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 10:07 PM To: SURBL Discuss Cc: SpamAssassin Users Subject: RFC: Add "$DATASET dnset @" directive to SURBL rbldnsd zone files?
Dallas Engleken of SARE has suggested that we add a dataset directive to our rbldnsd zone files:
Can we please add a $DATASET definition to rbldnsd zone
files for sc,ws,
and be?
Ie.. On the 3rd line after $NS and $SOA, add a line labeled,
$DATASET dnset @
It will not break anything currently set up, but it will
give those of
use that use the 'combined' type with multi files in rbldnsd
(called via
uribl.surbl.org:combined:sc,be,ws) to merge ws, sc, and be
together to
create a single query.
Does anyone have any comments on this, good, bad or otherwise? Do other RBLs do it? Is it safe?
Here's the man page entry: :-)
man rbldnsd
combined This is a special dataset that stores no data
by itself but acts
like a container for several other datasets of
any type except
of combined type itself. The data file
contains an optional
common section, where various specials are
recognized like $NS,
$SOA, $TTL (see above), and a series of
sections, each of which
defines one (nested) dataset and several
subzones of the base
zone, for which this dataset should be
consulted. New (nested)
dataset starts with a line $DATASET type subzone subzone... and all subsequent lines up to the end of
current file or to
next $DATASET line are interpreted as a part
of dataset of type
type. Note that combined datasets cannot be
nested. Every subâ
zone will always be relative to the base zone
name specified on
command line. If subzone specified as
single character "@",
dataset will be connected to the base zone itself. This dataset type aims to simplify subzone
maintenance, in order
to be able to include several subzones in one
file for easy data
transfer, atomic operations and to be able
to modify list of
subzones on remote secondary nameservers. Note that $NS and $SOA values applies to the
base zone only,
regardless of the placement in the file.
Unlike the $TTL values
and $n substitutions, which may be both global
and local for a
given (subâ)dataset.
Thumbs up or thumbs down? ;-)
Jeff C.
But we are combining them anyway? Well WS and BE combined. So it would be WS and SC. I see no reason not to try it.