I'm adding SURBL support to the urlbody plugin of spampal. Spampal is a freeware windows local proxy anti-spam application, with a userbase of almost 100.000. (http://www.spampal.org/)
I use only multi. At the moment only JP, but this will become a configuration option. Probably also with a "two out of all" option.
- I've added a local skiplist with about top half of the
public "whitelist", no need to query those.
- Domains are only queried one time per e-mail (the local pc
DNS service would probably cache those, but anyway added...).
- If the're moere than 20 domains to check, only the first (or
last) 5 are done.
Any suggestions are welcome.
I suggest more people implement it just like you did! great job! Thanks for creating the skip list!
On another list I am on someone indicated that the SC list is only populated with data once an hour. Is that correct?
On Friday, February 11, 2005, 11:54:41 AM, darrell_list darrell_list wrote:
On another list I am on someone indicated that the SC list is only populated with data once an hour. Is that correct?
The SC data is updated every 2 minutes currently but that will probably change to 5 minutes along with the other lists. Multi is updated every 20 minutes or so, and there can be up to 20 minutes for the data to get out to the name servers, and the multi zone has a 15 minute TTL, so the overall latency is about 1 hour. That will be cut down to about 45 minutes in future.
Those are maximum latencies. Minimum latency could be as short as 25 minutes. Average is probably something between.
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."