We all hate FPs. We know we want to cut them down. But let me just say I have seen a nice plus to them. The whitelist requests for SURBL have been somewhat of an eye opener. There have been more then a few legit mailers who have drastically changed their ways since contacting us for whitelist.
It is actually pretty amazing. They will 'fix' or at least try to 'fix' a lot of their messed up subscriptions just to get off of SURBL. Its all been polite and professional as well.
We give examples of why they were added and ask for explanations. We also ask for a copy of their antispam/abuse policy. The responses have been outstanding. So we also have the power to educate.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know. With great power comes great .....cheesecake.
Chris Santerre System Admin and SARE Ninja http://www.rulesemporium.com http://www.surbl.org 'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' Charles Darwin