Jeff Chan wrote:
Pardon the dramatic title, but hopefully it got your attention.
This guy's domain got listed by Outblaze, we removed it, and as thanks this guy paints us as irresponsible. Please help us straighten him out, gently:
I gave it my shot.
Jeff C.
Don't harm innocent bystanders.
The way I read his response is that he stands against SPAM and in favor of anti SPAM measures ...
*provided* he is not inconvenienced.
I guess its a good thing he didn't try my servers - Seems we have another user of midphase. com (i.e. his FORIMMEDIATERELEASE. BIZ domain), and since midphase seems to condone spamming - he would never had made it through my servers anyway.
Also, while he is unlikely a "criminal" spammer, his "newletters", if uninvited, contain lots of questionable commercial hype. SURBL or not, my machines won't accept his email newletter.
Seems consistant - if you use midphase, you just don't "get it". If he doesn't understand that he doesn't even "own" the domain, he probably can't understand any explaination either.
Paul Shupak track@plectere.com
P.S. For anyone who cares, www.openrbl.org is back up as of a few hours ago.