hi folks,
i setup a test service realizing the trackback Protocol as defined by: http://www.sixapart.com/pronet/docs/trackback_spec
This service is currently under development, and free, but in near future it will be a service for registered users only. We have some customers working already with this "trackback-Proxy" each getting rid of 400+ blogspams leaving some 2 or 3 comments for a real review. They are happy....
simply post or get data to following url:
http://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/trackback.php and supply data either in Parameters or in Post format.
you will get a xml response like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <response> <error>1</error> <message>Blog-entry denied(blackrecipient): E-mail->tommy@hotmail.com see http://www.clean-mx.de/blogspam Query: 1.3660 Seconds</message> <message> id-> </message> <message> title-> verizon%20wireless%20cellphones </message> <message> author-> verizon%20wireless%20cellphones </message> <message> e-mail-> tommy%40hotmail.com </message>
<message> blog_name->verizon%20wireless%20cellphones </message> <message> url-> http%3A%2F%2Fverizon-wireless-cellphones.unfbgcu.com </message> <message> excerpt-> verizon%20wireless%20cellphones </message> </response>
Yours Gerhard
just to demonstrate the power of this service a screenshot we are looking at a private Blackdomai list, surbl, uribl, unwanted email adr's, and a bunch of keyword/Phrases
and a test-url :
<response> <error>1</error> − <message> Blog-entry denied(surbl): Blocked, ewach.info on lists [jp][ob][ph], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html" see http://www.clean-mx.de/blogspam Query: 1.2413 Seconds </message> <message> id-> </message> <message> title-> maps%20driving%20directions </message> <message> author-> maps%20driving%20directions </message> <message> e-mail-> quincy%40freemail.com </message> <message> blog_name->maps%20driving%20directions </message> − <message> url-> http%3A%2F%2Fmaps-driving-directions.ewach.info </message> <message> excerpt-> maps%20driving%20directions </message> </response>
On Tuesday, November 7, 2006, 5:23:17 PM, Gerhard (rbl) wrote:
just to demonstrate the power of this service a screenshot we are looking at a private Blackdomai list, surbl, uribl, unwanted email adr's, and a bunch of keyword/Phrases
and a test-url :
<response> <error>1</error> - <message> Blog-entry denied(surbl): Blocked, ewach.info on lists [jp][ob][ph], See: http://www.surbl.org/lists.html" see http://www.clean-mx.de/blogspam Query: 1.2413 Seconds </message>
It's an interesting and unexpected use of the data, and an interesting solution to the problem of trackback-type spam and abuse. I'd be curious to hear how much of the abuse the various lists catch. In principle our spam-based data probably won't catch all of the abusers. We find that the abuse spaces are usually somewhat different between the different media: mail, blog, etc.
Also the same request goes for your application: please be sure to *not* check the common whitehat domains like google, yahoo, w3c.org, etc., as that could add many unnecessary DNS queries:
Sample common domains to exclude from checking are linked above.
Jeff C. -- Don't harm innocent bystanders.