acarmart DOT com
What is our policy for adding domains like that above. It appears to be a link builder w/ no real content. And I appologise for not checking Jeff's website of criteria for adding a domain. I wasn't able to find a link so if any one has a bookmark available, I'd greatly appreciate it.
On Tuesday, October 12, 2004, 11:43:05 AM, Lindsay Snider wrote:
acarmart DOT com
What is our policy for adding domains like that above. It appears to be a link builder w/ no real content. And I appologise for not checking Jeff's website of criteria for adding a domain. I wasn't able to find a link so if any one has a bookmark available, I'd greatly appreciate it.
The quick question is: does it have legitimate uses?
If it can get mentioned in hams (non-spams) by ordinary users, then we probably should not list it.
Looks like it's and August 2004 domain registration but is not in SBL or NANAS. Did you have a sample spam for them? Why did you want to list?
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."
acarmart DOT com
What is our policy for adding domains like that above. It appears to be a link builder w/ no real content. And I appologise for not checking Jeff's website of criteria for adding a domain. I wasn't able to find a link so if any one has a bookmark available, I'd greatly appreciate it.
The quick question is: does it have legitimate uses?
I would think it doesn't based on the email I received and the content at their site.
If it can get mentioned in hams (non-spams) by ordinary users, then we probably should not list it.
Looks like it's and August 2004 domain registration but is not in SBL or NANAS. Did you have a sample spam for them? Why did you want to list?
I did get a spam from them. I certainly have not signed up with them since this August. Its just one of the many link builder emails we get to webmaster@ and a few other generic email names. However, based on your criteria I decided not to list it.
1) site has been around for a couple months and I didn't find any other complaints 2) it wasn't offensive, just uce 3) its not in sbl/xbl/iadb and the such 4) domain name isn't very obscured
acarmart DOT com is registered by visioncoaches DOT com. visioncoaches DOT com redirects to imaginehavingwealth DOT com. The company feels shady but it could be legit. None of the domains listed above were found in any of the lists.
Although not in, they have received a cozy home in our personal RBL.