-----Original Message----- From: Daniel Kleinsinger [mailto:danielk@avalonpub.com] Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 1:14 AM To: SURBL Discussion list Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] Removal of original BE domains from WS.
Jeff Chan wrote:
Hopefully that will decrease the FPs in WS, though there is still work to do if we're serious about reducing FPs.
I don't want to say too much (cause I don't really know what I'm talking about!), but back in the day of separate cf files, it wasn't bigevil.cf that gave me FPs, it was sa-blacklist.cf. When they were separate I didn't actually use sa-blacklist because of the FPs. Too be honest, I wasn't too pleased when bigevil started to exist only as the WS surbl because of the sa-blacklist FPs.
What I'm saying may be totally off base, but if you're looking for FPs to remove, how about checking the sa-blacklist stuff that's still in WS? Does that even make sense?
THANKS!! I love you to! ;)
--Chris (Was I dreaming, or did the RedSox Actually win last night?)