I posted to the CNET financial message boards on Yahoo and got this response:
==== Re: CNet supporting spammers NOT* *Folks,
We're aware of the abuse, and are shutting down the URLs as we learn of them. We are NOT supporting spammers or phishers.
Stephen Howard-Sarin VP, ZDNet.com ===
Discuss mailing list Discuss@lists.surbl.org http://lists.surbl.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
That sounds a lot like "after the first million or so emails are sent we block the redirector for that URL". It seems to be exactly the same as running an open relay and cutting off access *after* someone complains. Now, of course the same spammer can use the site again tomorrow, with a new domain and a $10 investment.
The only safe way to operate a redirector is exactly like running a mail server - Only those clients/domains listed *in advance* can be allowed: Anything else is "supporting spammers"! How many of you would run an open SMTP relay and only blacklist a machine or domain *after* you learn about it sending "abusive" emails? (That's probably why he's a VP, not an engineer.)
Paul Shupak track@plectere.com