-----Original Message----- From: Paul Schwarz [mailto:Paul.Schwarz@starktruss.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:03 AM To: 'SURBL Discussion list' Subject: [SURBL-Discuss] Hi I'm new and I like SURBL
Greetings noob, I mean Paul :-)
what are others thoughts of the effectiveness of SURBL , risks of false positives, CPU usage, etc
SURBL rocks, but I'm a bit partial. The risks of FP are low, and we strive to get them to zero. And anything reported as an FP is dealt with right away, by numerous people. We take them very seriously.
Lookups are quick and getting quicker with each new mirror added. If you have a LOT of traffic you can rsync to get lookups local. Directions are on the SURBL.org site.
I'm currently doing my spam checking in this order
sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org - reject at SMTP level standard greylisting SURBL - using multi.surbl.org
I like everything but greylisting. It can have some issues when a timely email is needed. Particularly with airline info. We've seen it here from another SURBL contributor.
How are you guys doing it and do you have any suggestions ? Low false positives are my goal in my setup. I wondered if surbl should replace greylisting or RBL or should just complement.
Complement is always better, but if anything I would remove greylisting for now. With SURBL I don't think you need it. But if you have the time and don't mind waiting sometimes 20 minutes for some companies to resend, then go ahead.
I think you will be very happy with SURBL.
Chris Santerre System Admin and SARE Ninja http://www.rulesemporium.com http://www.surbl.org 'It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.' Charles Darwin