ds.surbl.org was an experimental list which is no longer getting
any hits. We were serving it on a few name servers as a separate
test list. I'd like to shut it down. Does anyone have any
comments about doing that?
If in future the folks behind the data are able to make a slice
of it that only has pure spammers, then perhaps we may use it,
but they don't appear to be moving in that direction currently.
Jeff C.
"If it appears in hams, then don't list it."
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org]
>Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 12:54 AM
>To: 'SURBL Discussion list'
>Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] Help classify quickinspirations.com
>On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 7:34:53 PM, Jeff Chan wrote:
>> Most of these sites have open subscription forms, which invites
>> abuse. If they have any kind of incentive programs for
>> "affiliates" or anything like that, then that plus open
>> subscriptions would *beg* for abuse.
>> That said, SBL does not list quickinspirations.com name servers
>> or web site, etc. But NJABL does, and so do some others.
>OK I took a look at the NANAS hits, and all quickinspirations
>mail seems to be sent from the same /27:
> ...
>So if you block or RBL it, ***you'll probably
>never see any mail from quickinspirations ever again***.
And anyone else who might be hosted on thos servers. :)
>Since these can be trivially blocked using regular RBLs or access
>lists these probably aren't great SURBL candidates to begin with.
Trivial yes, but some people may prefer to use SURBL for this as it is
'safer' because it only blocks based on the domain. You yourself have said
this about IPs.
>The same cannot be said of spammers using zombies.
Yes, but we are targeting spammers, not just spammers using zombies :)
I'm wondering if we relist it, how long it would be until we heard someone
complain. I'm only making this kind of a big deal because I think we will
see this method grow.
Hell what is to stop the spammer from getting his sister to complain to us
that she signed up for this newsletter and it needs to be whitelisted?
Something to consider is weighting the whitelist requests for domains that
don't feel right like this one. One request for a domain like this may not
cut the mustard. 3...OK.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org]
>Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:50 PM
>To: SURBL Discuss
>Subject: Re: [SPAM-TAG] [SURBL-Discuss] Spammer threatening to
>On Sunday, September 26, 2004, 8:35:40 PM, Joe Wein wrote:
>> "Jeff Chan" <jeffc(a)surbl.org>
>>> But that's not the question. The question is: does the domain
>>> have legitimate uses. If so we shouldn't list it. We should not
>>> list domains that have legitimate uses, even if they do send
>>> in some spam.
>> Hi Jeff,
>> the latest emails from Mr. Schiffer were much more friendly
>in tone. He also
>> admitted that he was only bluffing when he talked about
>legal action, as he
>> really does not have any money for that.
>> I have removed his listing and let him know about that. I
>hope he learnt
>> something from it.
>> I probably wouldn't have removed the domain without your
>reminder. Looking
>> at this case I realise how difficult it really is for
>submitters *not* to
>> list spammers who may have some legitimate uses.
>> Joe
>Thanks Joe. Hopefully he's learned his lesson.
What the hell?? I just read this whole thread! I would not have taken this
guy off! No way in hell!!!!! Ray, add this yahoo to UC please!
The domain is brand new, sends spam, and screams about getting listed! How
the hell can he be legit! Did you guys read the NANAS listings that showed
his wonderful emails?
These are just the ones reported. He 'purchased' a list. So none of these
were opt in.
This is not the last we will hear of this guy. I think taking him off is a
mistake. And IF he does it again, I'll report his a$$ to every RBL I can
find, simply because you guys removed this idiot.
--Chris (Jaded, fed up, and tired of the BS.)