> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doc Schneider [mailto:maddoc@maddoc.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 9:01 PM
> To: Jeff Chan; SURBL Discussion list
> Subject: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] russian pill-pushing gangsters
> Jeff Chan wrote:
> > On Tuesday, April 26, 2005, 6:46:22 PM, Chris Santerre wrote:
> >
> >>But the thought never
> >>crossed my mind to remove. Why would it? I still love you
> like a long lost,
> >>twice removed, step cousin that used to steal my bike ;)
> >
> >
> >>Or are you just asking about the "choice" part? I meant its
> your choice if
> >>you would like to leave it up or down. I'm sure the group
> would go either
> >>way. If you have less people handling submissions and want
> to tell ppl to
> >>report to SC, that might be good.
> >
> >
> > We'll I'd say leave the submission page up, and definitely leave
> > the checker page up.
> >
> > I have basically no visibility on the SARE side of things,
> > so I don't know if they have people handling submissions.
> > Maybe someone from SARE can address this.
> Jeff,
> Rest assured there are a few SARE ninjas involved with SURBL and also
> doing additions to ws. I happen to be one of them!
> And as far as removing the link from rulesemporium... I, for
> one, would
> pitch a fit!
Now see! There you have it! :)
You don't want to see Doc pitching a fit. Its bad enough he would be
throwing ninja smoke bombs and deadly darts. But he's also highly medicated!
He might get out the dym-mak (Death Touch!)
It would be just like the time Ninja Bob got into the Saki closet! Ninja
Fred is still healing!
--Chris (Run ninjas-----RUN!)