-----Original Message----- From: Jeff Chan [mailto:jeffc@surbl.org] Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 12:01 AM To: SURBL Discuss; phpot-surbl@matthew.unspam.com Subject: Fwd: Re: [SURBL-Discuss] In support of Project Honeypot
Here's a response to Chris Albert's concerns about Project Honeypot from Matthew Prince, the head of Project Honeypot and unspam.com. He also gives his direct phone number as: 312.543.3046. Matthew's reply address is: phpot-surbl@matthew.unspam.com or you may be able to reply all since I included this on the To: list.
I invited him to join our lists, but expect he may already get plenty of mail.
Jeff C. __
It's a strange thing to have to prove that you're one of the good guys.
Oh no! It's worse then we thought! They aren't spammers, or spam helpers. They are lawyers! ;)
J/K. I remember seeing the video on the MIT site from the conference. Its a very good idea. Which is why I'm one of the 50. But I don't get much traffic. I need to get a few more sites setup.
--Chris (The curse has been reversed!)