On Saturday, October 2, 2004, 3:32:45 AM, Bitz Bitz wrote:
namesdatabase . com
Listed at WS.
It has legit uses, should be whitelisted?
FWIW the 11 NANAS hits for this domain seem to come from the same or similar IP addresses:
The Names Database THENAMESDATABASE-BLK-1 (NET-63-211-182-32-1) -
Which could be trivially blocked by an RBL, but is not listed by SBL or any other RBL as a /28. (Three RBLs list the entire Level3 /16 which is arguably ridiculous.)
# @ISP/blackholes.us: 63.211/16: 553 ISP LEVEL3 - http://hatcheck.org/google?level3; http://hatcheck.org/sbl?level3; ISP LEVEL3-NOGENUITY - http://hatcheck.org/google?level3-nogenuity; http://hatch [Blockparade]
# DRBL/drbl.all: 63.211/16: 553 DRBL weight: 0.6; vote.drbl.vimas.kiev.ua@ns.vimas.kiev.ua/0.6
# BLARS/block.blars.org: INET
To me that says they're probably not a zombie user, which is a count against listing.
Bitz, what kind of legitimate uses do they have?
Jeff C. -- "If it appears in hams, then don't list it."