It doesn't work that way. The whitelist means we dont add THOSE domains to the SURBLs, other domains listed in those mails will still trigger the SURBL filtering.
First, I'm referring to a person's LOCAL whitelisting of SURBL list messages so that these messages bypass all filtering in order to allow SURBL-blocked domains to not stop the SURBL list message. In this scenario, SURBL-filtering could possibly be totally bypassed if the message contained "lists.surbl.org", ... thus creating a loophole for spammers who might try to use this as a tactic for their spam to also bypass the filter.
Adjust your local whitelisting plan ... you should check if the message comes from the server thats serving up lists.surbl.org, no more no less. If you decide to whitelist mails solely and completely based on the fact that they contain lists.surbl.org, thats silly. ;)
However, my question was probably a silly question to begin with because (as I realized when reading other's messages) the actual IP address of the surbl list server could also be factored into the local whitelisting so that such potentially shrewd tactics of spammers I mentioned above could be defeated. Follow?
Ok, case dismissed ;) hehe
Bye, Raymond.