----- Original Message ----- From: "David B Funk" dbfunk@engineering.uiowa.edu
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006, Jeff Chan wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Pete McNeil" madscientist@microneil.com
An example of some that we've found in SURBL for example are declude.com, usinternet.com, and w3.org
None of those domains has ever been on any SURBL list. The error may be on their end.
Jeff C.
True, but after being hit by back-scatter Brain-Dead anti-virus bounces from declude protected systems with that inane message:
The Declude Virus software on our mail server detected a virus If your mail server had virus protection, it would have prevented this.
I almost consider declude.com to be worthy of a spammer listing. ;( (I have resisted the temptation to nominate but I do have a custom SA rule to hit that garbage with a high score ;).
That is not Declude's fault, that is a configuration problem with the customer that is running the Declude Virus software. In fact, Declude recommends against sending virus notification to senders since most viruses are forging these day anyway.