Hi all.. I'm a wanna be Linux guy who somehow, even with my own ineptitude, managed to get SA 2.63 with Qmail up and running on Redhat 9.0! Recently I got the SURBL's working and they have helped a LOT (I have a very weak box that is running SA.. so the lookups saved a lot of processing time!).. however..
What version of the URI are you using ?
I have noticed my outgoing traffic on our T1 has shot through the roof. I currently have the Linux box using our ISP's DNS server for lookups.. I'm guessing it would be much more efficient if I had the linux box do it, cache it.. I've even read about having it transfer the SURBL zones directly so that lookups remain local..
Has anybody written a "HOWTO DNS" for dummies.. that could help walk me through setting this up on my Linux box?
Ohw on your local box its simple:
Install (via RPM) bind and caching-nameserver
Start bind, and edit your /etc/resolve.conf to look on localhost first.
Bye, Raymond.