Chris Santerre asked on the spamassassin-users list whether ds.surbl.org was being updated with the 6dos data. The answer is no, it's static now based on that snapshot Chris gave me a couple weeks ago. To be honest, the 6dos data seems too over-inclusive to me for production use, but perhaps Chris or Rich could help me figure out something closer to a live feed as we beta test it.
I think with the current rate of submissions on the WS list we can do pretty fine... With the amazing large list its now on #29, here are some stats of today:
SpamAssassin tag hits: (top 100) #1 27588 BAYES_99 #2 21242 RCVD_IN_SBL+XBL #3 20516 WS_URI_RBL #4 20116 OUTBLAZE_URI_RBL #5 20010 RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET #6 19448 HTML_MESSAGE #7 17007 RCVD_IN_SORBS #8 15583 SPAMCOP_URI_RBL #9 14682 ABUSEBUTLER_URI_RBL #10 14211 RCVD_IN_DSBL #11 12852 MIME_HTML_ONLY #12 10169 RCVD_IN_DYNABLOCK #13 7866 RCVD_IN_AHBL #14 7497 RCVD_IN_NJABL #15 7170 DNS_FROM_RFCI_ABUSE #16 6637 MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER #17 6284 CLICK_BELOW #18 6030 MIME_HTML_ONLY_MULTI #19 5060 MIME_HTML_NO_CHARSET #20 4978 LOCAL_XMESSAGEINFO #21 4827 RCVD_IN_RFCI #22 4631 HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE #23 4533 HTML_FONT_BIG #24 4101 RCVD_IN_NJABL_PROXY #25 3591 HTML_FONT_INVISIBLE #26 3518 NO_REAL_NAME #27 3162 RCVD_IN_SORBS_SOCKS #28 3144 HTML_50_60 #29 3089 6DOS_URI_RBL
WS is doing really ok at the moment.
Bye, Raymond.